


If you are carrying out a conversion from commercial to residential, or where the development once built will contain a different number of dwellings to the existing building, you will need a SAP Assessment to prove compliance with Approved Document L1.

SAPs UK can help you to achieve compliance by offering a variety of solutions to suit your design. We understand that in many cases, keeping your costs down is important so we offer affordable and efficient solutions to your insulation and energy needs by using tried and tested methods of meeting the requirements of the conversion regulations for energy.

We can also offer a 15 year payback report for your development, to show whether extensive work to insulate the property is feasible by showing whether the cost of doing this would be returned within 15 years. This is particularly useful on developments where the works required to bring the building up to current standards would have a negative effect on the appearance of the building (listed buildings) or where it may affect the function of a building – i.e. where an existing solid floor upgrade would affect internal staircases.

All of our assessments are carried out from plans, so no site visit is required. Our normal turn around is 7 days and prices include EPCs at the end of the project.


Click here to view our prices or to book your assessment.

Telephone: 020 3723 1613 | Contact Details: e: | Company Number: 12680361 | VAT Number: 399593711